From published works by or including members of our community to reports on carbon neutrality and Middlebury’s ecological footprint, this page contains publications chronicling our sustainability efforts over the past 20 years.

County Climate Plan Swings Into Action

April 2023. The Climate Economy Action Center of Addison County lays out actionable steps community members can take to fight the climate crisis.

The Key to Sustainability

Fall 2015. Graphic novel given to all incoming freshmen of the classes of 2019 and 2020

Super Sustainability

Fall 2012. Graphic novel given to all incoming freshmen of the Class of 2016. Also available translated to German.

Higher Education for Sustainability: Cases, Challenges, and Opportunities from across the Curriculum

Edited by Lucas F. Johnston (2013). Includes the chapter “Shaping Sustainability at Furman and Middlebury: Emergent and Adaptive Curricular Models.” Cowriters include Nan Jenks-Jay, dean of environmental affairs, and Jack Byrne, director of sustainability integration at Middlebury. View publication.

The Business of Sustainability: Trends, Policies, Practices, and Stories of Success

Edited by Scott G. McNall, James C. Hershauer, and George Basile (2011). Includes a chapter by Nan Jenks-Jay, dean of environmental affairs, and Jack Byrne, director of sustainability integration at Middlebury. View publication.

Climate Action Implementation Plan

2008. Climate Action Plan to guide institutional and departmental efforts to address carbon neutrality and climate change.

The Green Campus: Meeting the Challenge of Environmental Sustainability

Edited by Walter Simpson (2008). Includes a chapter by Nan Jenks-Jay, dean of environmental affairs at Middlebury. View publication.

Carbon Neutrality by 2016 Update

Fall 2008.

Middlebury’s EcoFoot: An Analysis of Middlebury College’s Ecological Footprint

Environmental Economics 265 report analyzing Middlebury’s 2005 footprint due to heating oil, transportation oil, and food. Prepared by Tamara Jacobi, Adam Lovell, Julia McKinnon, and Chip Sherwood. Spring 2006.

Carbon Neutrality at Middlebury College: A Compilation of Potential Objectives and Strategies to Minimize Campus Climate Impact

Environmental studies winter term course report for the Carbon Reduction Initiative. Prepared by John Hanley, Kelly Slack, Jeffrey Wetter, David Wright, Brendan Bechtel, Bryan Costa, Sarah Goodwin, Suzanne Nagi, Morgan Byrne, Gabriel Epperson, Andrea Hamre, Sarah Jones, Charles Acher, Victor Guzik, and Lauren Throop. Winter 2003.

Carbon Reduction Initiative Proposal

Environmental Council proposal for the creation of a Carbon Reduction Initiative for Middlebury College. Fall 2002.