Sustainability in Action

From the food we serve to the way we commute to how we plan for the future, Middlebury leans into the challenges of helping to create a more sustainable world.
Middlebury is engaging communities, thinking consequentially, and acting creatively at this crucial time for our environment.
Carbon Neutrality 2016
Read how we successfully reached our carbon neutrality goal, attaining a net-zero carbon footprint.
Sustainable Design
From recycling entire buildings to building LEED-certified new ones, Middlebury continually upholds sustainable design.
Middlebury Lands
Owning thousands of acres in the Champlain Valley and Green Mountains, Middlebury is committed to exemplary land stewardship.
Renewable Energy
With biomass, solar, and wind power, Middlebury is exploring ways to incorporate renewable energy into everyday campus life.
Sustainable Purchasing
Our worldwide partners share our commitment to relying on and continuing to develop alternative energy sources.
Living Sustainably on Campus
These everyday aspects of life at Middlebury have become smart and sustainable foundations on our campuses.
Local and Sustainable Wood
Middlebury has used more than 500,000 board feet of locally harvested and green-certified Vermont wood in campus construction.
Talloires Declaration
We've joined with universities worldwide to integrate sustainability and environmental literacy into our programming.