Middlebury is pleased to be a participating member of Projects for Peace, a program that honors Kathryn Wasserman Davis, a noted philanthropist who was interested in finding new ways to advance world peace.


Undergraduate students at more than 90 college campuses across the United States, including Middlebury, are eligible to design and submit proposals that serve local, domestic or global communities and address the goal of improving the prospects for peace in the 21st century.

The top submissions from the participating campuses, including at least one from Middlebury, will receive $10,000 in funding to initiate projects anywhere in the world during the summer of that year.

Information Sessions

Attendance at an information session or advising appointment is strongly recommended. Stay tuned for new dates in 2025.


Each year, the selection committee presents two projects to the Projects for Peace headquarters, one of which is guaranteed funding.

Middlebury aligns with the belief that “the values that these projects represents touches on what are amongst the most important ones a liberal arts education can impart to its students—clear analytical thinking, excellent communications, self-confidence, creativity, and initiative.”

You must be enrolled at the time of funding so unfortunately graduating Febs are not eligible. 

Submit a Proposal

We invite passionate undergraduate students from all academic backgrounds to consider ways in which their unique experiences and perspectives might inspire a world peace project. You can find full instructions for content and format here.

Applications for 2025 will be due Sunday December 1st 11:55pm. Application link coming soon. 


See answers to frequently asked questions

You may direct further questions to Associate Director of Creativity & Innovation Dana Anderson at: danaa@middlebury.edu


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