LibrarySearch will be view-only June 26th - July 22nd. Click here for details on service changes during this time.
Davis Family Library: 9am - 5pm
Armstrong Science Library: 10am - 5pm
Image of the collection legend, indicating what levels various collections are located on
The bulk of the collection is in the Main Stacks, which is located on all three levels of Davis Family Library. You will need the call number and location name to navigate to where your item is.
Image of the Upper Level Map of Davis Library
The Upper Level of Davis Library contains

- Stacks collections starting with A-M

- Oversize

Image of the Main Level Map of Davis Library
The Main Level of Davis Library contains

- Stacks collections starting with N - PN

- Atlas Cases

- Browsing (Including Foreign Language Browsing)

- Circulation Desk (Course Reserves, Equipment, Interlibrary Loan)

- CTLR Display

- DVDs

- Faculty Authors

- Government Documents

- Microfilm/Microfiche

- Reference

Image of the Lower Level Map of Davis Family Library
The Lower Level of Davis Family Library contains

- Stacks collections starting with PN-Z

- Arabic (Stacks and Reference)

- Bound Periodicals

- Chinese (Stacks and Reference)

- Current Periodicals

- Hebrew (Stacks and Reference)

- Japanese (Stacks and Reference)

- Newspapers

- Special Collections

- Vermont