Davis Family Library: 9am - 5pm

In December 2023, Middlebury Libraries moved to a new library system called Alma Primo. This new system provides an updated interface, replacing the current MIDCAT and LibrarySearch systems. Below, we’ve described the changes that you will experience, in order to for you to know what to expect and how contact us with questions and feedback.

Check it out

Take a look at the new LibrarySearch interface. You may encounter some errors as we work through the kinks. Read through our introductory guide to understand the basics features of the interface. Let us know what you think!

Why are we doing this?

Research tools are constantly evolving and a modern library requires more than a print-centric organizational system. We are updating systems to improve our digital access to resources. Libraries tools — including MIDCAT and LibrarySearch— will be replaced with a single, cohesive search interface, connecting our users more efficiently with the resources they need. 

This change is also driven in part by Middlebury joining the Boston Library Consortium (BLC) and developing a shared catalog with the University of Vermont, Connecticut College, Wesleyan University, Trinity College, and hopefully, other libraries.  Having a shared catalog establishes the groundwork for many other potential collaborations, such as enhanced interlibrary loan services and the shared purchasing and management of databases and e-resources.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • MIDCAT (Sierra) - All the bibliographic information within MIDCAT will be brought over to the new system . You can search library print materials using the new interface (Primo)
  • Current LibrarySearch - The current centralized search service is called LibrarySearch, the new centralized service (Primo) will take its place. It is most likely that we will continue to call this centralized search “LibrarySearch”, but the interface will look different.
  • Any account history stored in MIDCAT will be lost, but you can export it for your own personal archive.
  • The new centralized search service (Primo) will look different but it is most likely that we will continue to call this centralized search “LibrarySearch”
  • Journal list interface will change to be within Primo
  • Main library homepage search box will visually change and will take you to the new search interface when used
  • The Print Reserves interface will change
  • Go Links for MIDCAT and LibrarySearch will lead you to the new Primo interface. If you find go links or old library links that do not work, please contact us.
  • WorldCat - Middlebury records will still be shared to WorldCat and still be searchable there.
  • The Interlibrary Loan (Illiad) services will still be available to request resources not at Middlebury through go/illiad/
  • Various subscription databases (Scopus, Proquest, JSTOR, etc) are not going away, you will still be able to search and find information within them. The indexes and other contents inside these databases (journal articles, ebooks, etc) can also be searched and accessed from the new interface.
  • There will be a pause on adding new materials to the collection, please have any requests for new materials in by Friday November 3rd. After that we will not be able to process any new requests until after the December 20th switch. 
  • Check and update any permalinks you had to titles in MIDCAT and the old LibrarySearch. These links will not work and you will need to either create new links to the new system or remove them from your materials. 
  • Export your reading history  from MIDCAT for independent archiving by Dec 20th. This information will not be transferred into the new system.
  • Follow us for updates. Check Library News and this webpage for updates. We will be creating a help guide with more details on the new system by December.
  • There will be an additional way to request items from Network Zone libraries. Details forthcoming.
  • Because Middlebury is now a member of the Boston Library Consortium (BLC) you can request a Consortium Card to be used at other participating BLC member libraries.
  • Check out our data privacy policy if you have questions about what is being done with your information.

Key Dates

  • Sept-Nov 2023 - Testing and interface changes finalized by the library. 
  • November 3, 2023 - Request to add new materials to the collection must be in by Nov 3rd. Then there will be a pause to adding new materials until Dec 20th.
  • November 2023 - Users will be able to preview the interface, but it will have limited functionality.
  • Nov 30, 2023 - Deadline to download your reading history from MIDCAT
  • December 15, 2023 - Possibility of limited library services for several days, but we expect minimal impact on patrons.
  • December 20, 2023 and forward -  All interfaces for users are changed over, regular services resume.
  • Beyond - Test, gather feedback, and improve interface to better suit our users needs

Provide Feedback

If you have questions about this process or the new interface please use go/askus/ to contact us or email us directly at library-migration@middlebury.edu

Have some thoughts on the LibrarySearch interface? Feel free to click and fill out the feedback button within LibrarySearch, or use this form to provide a more detailed response.