LibrarySearch will be view-only June 26th - July 22nd. Click here for details on service changes during this time.
Davis Family Library: 9am - 5pm
Armstrong Science Library: 10am - 5pm

| by Carrie Macfarlane


Photo a cat wearing a suit. Aristocat knows that ILL can help get articles, books, and more!

Aristocat knows how to use Interlibrary Loan. Do you?

Did you know that you can borrow books, articles, and other materials from a library—even if our library doesn’t own them? All you have to do is fill out an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request form. We’ll find the material at another library and get it to you as quickly as possible (sometimes in just a few days!).

You’ll receive most ILL articles electronically, and you’ll pick up ILL books at the library. If you’re studying abroad, ILL can scan Middlebury-owned books and journal articles for you.

The first time you log in to the ILL system, called ILLiad, you’ll need to create an account profile. We’ll ask for information like your address and delivery preferences. Then, you can place a request.

Set up your Interlibrary Loan account and place your first request!

Media Contact

Carrie Macfarlane is the Director of Research & Instruction at the Davis Family Library