Did you hear? Middlebury speeches are available online
| by Kellam Ayres

Toni Morrison, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Barry Lopez, Tracy K. Smith, Fred Rogers, and thousands of other writers, scholars, scientists, and artists have given speeches, talks, and lectures at Middlebury.
Want to listen to a specific contemporary or historic speech, or just browse the video and audio collections? Here’s how to get started:
- Middlebury Media Services on Vimeo for the most recent college lectures, symposia, and official events.
- Middlebury College Digital Lecture Archive on the Internet Archive for older talks and presentations, including older commencement speakers.
- Bread Loaf Reading and Lecture Recordings for audio recordings from Bread Loaf Environmental Writers’, Bread Loaf Translators’, and the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conferences. From 2016-present.
- Bread Loaf in the Internet Archive for a trove of older audio and video recordings, along with texts and photographs, from Bread Loaf.
- Middlebury College on Vimeo for produced features and profiles of students, professors, events, and traditions.
Interested in other speeches from around the world? Check out this LibGuide for suggestions:
If you have any questions, ask a librarian!
Media Contact
Kellam Ayres, Library Reserves Coordinator and Liaison to the Bread Loaf Programs