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| by Carrie Macfarlane

Take the library with you

You’re probably looking forward to getting away for Thanksgiving break. Are you also thinking about the assignments you’ll work on after the break?

Some of your assignments might be research papers, and if you’ve done research from off campus before, you might recall the frustration of being asked to pay for online sources that you could have gotten from the library.

You Can Find Workarounds…

Sure, you can tease out links to free articles, reports and even excerpts of e-books, but it’s time-consuming (and so unsatisfying) to have to evaluate every item based not only on how relevant it is but also on whether it’s available.

…But Workarounds Aren’t Necessary

It doesn’t have to be that way! You can use library resources even when you’re off campus. 

EZ Proxy Login Page
EZ Proxy Login Page

To access library-licensed online resources from off campus, Middlebury researchers should begin on a library website. Then, any links you click on will prompt you to enter your username and password in a new window; this page is called EZ Proxy and it allows the library to provide access to resources from outside the college’s network. 

More Than Online Articles

Did you say you’ll need print books? Films? Photos from Special Collections? That’s great! You can access many kinds of library materials from off campus.

Avoid the Frustration

Choose your sources based on their relevance, not their availability. When you don’t have to spend time hunting down free sources, you can more quickly move on to the part of the research process where you get to read the sources.

Take the Library With You!

Learn how to access library resources during break. Visit the library’s Off-Campus Access page (go/liboffcampus/).


If you have any questions, ask a librarian (go/askus/).

Media Contact

Carrie Macfarlane is the Director of Research & Instruction at the Davis Family Library