Davis Family Library: 7:30am - 12am

| by Gretchen Kenet


Logo of EU Observer

Faculty, students, and staff at both Middlebury College and the Middlebury Institute of International Studies now have trial access to EUobserver, a not-for-profit, independent online newspaper reporting on the European Union.

Our trial access is available now through February 16, 2025. 

To access the trial:

  • If you are on campus in VT, you can access the trial directly on https://euobserver.com/
  • If you are not on the VT campus, sign up for an account here: https://euobserver.com/register
    • Choose the Newsletter Membership and register with your Middlebury email address. Create a new password.
    • Please note that while it says the Newsletter Membership only includes 3 free articles, Middlebury’s access is unlimited during the trial period. You can use the login credentials you created above to access all articles on euobserver.com during the trial.

NOTE: Some browsers may work better than others for the registration process. If you have trouble signing up for an account, please try using a different browser.

We would love to hear your feedback about EUobserver. After checking it out, please fill in this form.

If you encounter any problems with this or any online library resources, please email us at eaccess-admin@middlebury.edu

Media Contact

Gretchen Kenet is the Electronic and Continuing Resources Librarian.