Davis Family Library: 7:30am - 10pm

| by Carrie Macfarlane


Any Night Can Be Movie Night - Kanopy

Any night can be a movie night, no planning required.

Surprise! Dinner is done and there’s nothing on the calendar tonight. How many times has that happened this summer? Not many, right? So when it does happen, you’re caught off-guard. The library can help.

movie title: Paris is Burning

If you’re looking for cool and convenient entertainment at the end of a hot and sunny day, log in to Kanopy. You’ll see why we sometimes call this database “Netflix for academic libraries.” Kanopy streams more than 200 great international, foreign language, documentary, and independent feature films, new and old.

film title: The Reason I Jump

How to Get to Kanopy from Off Campus

  1. Begin at the Kanopy homepage, go.middlebury.edu/kanopy.

  2. Log in with your Middlebury username and password. (See Off-Campus Access for advice.)

    NOTE:  You do not need to create a Kanopy login to use Kanopy.
film title: Breathless

Paris is Burning, The Reason I Jump, and Breathless are just a few of the offerings that captured our attention. See what captures yours!

Watch Films Anywhere, Anytime!

Media Contact

Carrie Macfarlane is the Director of Research & Instruction at the Davis Family Library