Davis Family Library: 7:30am - 10pm
Armstrong Science Library: 7:45am - 5pm

| by Wendy Shook

There was a legend of dinosaur footprints preserved in a sandstone slab, but it wasn’t until 2020 that it was re-discovered in a cache of geology samples stored in the basement of Adirondack House.

Image of a fossil mounted in a display case.

On Friday, Professor Pete Ryan unveiled this Jurassic ichnofossil, which is now on display in Armstrong Library.  Eamon McMahon (STSS) has built a custom display and has treated the surface of the fossil so visitors to Armstrong are welcome to view and touch this 200million year old record of a therapod.

Armstrong Library Hours

Read more about ichnofossils here.

Read more about therapods here.

Media Contact

.Wendy Shook is  the Science Data Librarian.