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| by Rebekah Irwin

Special Collections

American-born poet Louise Glück won this year’s Nobel Prize for Literature.

Glück becomes only the fourth woman to win the prize for literature since 2010, and the 16th since the Nobel prizes were first awarded in 1901. (And possibly the first Vermont poet laureate to win the Nobel Prize? She held that title from 1994 to 1998!)

On August 20, 2000, Glück read her poems for nearly forty minutes during the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, held every summer in Ripton, Vermont. (In fact, Glück visited Bread Loaf nearly ten times over the last 25 years.)

Here are just two of the poems she read that day.

Louise Glück reads "Moonbeam" at the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference

Louise Glück read "The Sensual World" at the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference

To hear more from Louise Glück’s reading during the summer of 2000, or more archival audio from the historic Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, visit Middlebury Special Collections.

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