LibrarySearch will be view-only June 26th - July 22nd. Click here for details on service changes during this time.
Davis Family Library: 9am - 5pm
Armstrong Science Library: 10am - 5pm

| by Ryan Clement


Coffee mug with conversation bubbles on it beneath the text MiddLab Coffee Breaks
(Credit: Leanne Galletly )

Our April MiddLab Coffee Break will be focusing on the topic of virtual machines, access equity, and Apporto, including how these resources can further empower student learning in the classroom and beyond. The discussion will be facilitated by Jonathan Kemp (Science Technology Support Services), Andrea Vaccari (Computer Science), Tanya Byker (Economics), Heather Stafford (DLINQ), and Mack Pauly (ITS). Our facilitators have experience in working with virtual machines and the considerations that surround provisioning access and using within a curricular context, but we want this to be a community discussion, so please bring your projects, questions, and concerns!

To register for this event, please go to go/coffeebreak/.

The MiddLab Coffee Break discussion series is a monthly meeting of faculty, staff, and students interested in digital academia to meet for the discussion, sharing, and questioning of a variety of topics important to our community. These meetings are hosted by MiddLab, with co-sponsorship from the Library, ITS, DLINQ, and the MiddData initiative and the participation of guest experts from across our community. MiddLab is a cross-campus hub for librarians, technologists, and other specialists who support digital projects, digital scholarship, and other technology-based research needs.

These discussions will take place monthly, on Friday afternoons. Times, dates, and registration information will be announced here, as well as at go/middlab/. Topics that are slated to be covered later this year:

  • May: Scholarly Identity Online

  • June: Web Accessibility

  • July: Data Management

  • August: Document Accessibility

  • September: Information Security

  • October: Web Scraping

  • November: Data Visualization Tools

  • December: Social Media Scraping

  • January 2022: Open Source

Stay tuned for more information on these upcoming sessions!