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| by Rebekah Irwin

Special Collections, MiddPoints

Starr Library
Starr Library, circa 1900, from Middlebury College Special Collections

Next time you search JSTOR (go/jstor) for your favorite academic journal or ebook, you might stumble on one of our 13,802 historic archives, including photographs, postcards, newspapers, alumni magazines, and manuscripts. 

Middlebury recently joined hundreds of other universities, libraries, and museums to host our archival collections alongside secondary literature already discoverable at JSTOR. 

JSTOR is a part of ITHAKA, a not-for-profit organization helping to advance research and teaching and to preserve the scholarly record. JSTOR is used by more than 81 million scholars and students across 170 countries each year, so what better place to preserve Middlebury College history and the rare and unique materials held in Special Collections?

Historic postcard photograph of Main St. Middlebury, Vermont
Main Street, Middlebury, Vermont, date unknown. From the Vermont Historic Postcards Collections, Middlebury College Special Collections

Here are the top ten archival collections currently trending on JSTOR. (Middlebury is #6!)

  1. South Asia Open Archives (SAOA)
  2. A Medical History of British India from National Library of Scotland
  3. Encyclopedia Britannica (1768-1860) from National Library of Scotland
  4. Victorian Knitting Manuals from University of Southampton
  5. Nickel Weeklies from Bowling Green State University
  6. Middlebury College Historic Texts from Middlebury College
  7. Walt Reed Illustration Archive from Dowd Modern Graphic History Library
  8. Queens College Yearbooks from Queens College
  9. Visual Resources of the Middle East from Yale University
  10. Historical Directories of England and Wales from Queens College

Visit Middlebury Special Collections at JSTOR Open Community Collections

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