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| by Carrie Macfarlane


Myth or Fact: You can use library databases only if you're on campus

You can use library databases only if you’re on campus.

Is that a myth or a fact? Read this post to find out.

It’s a Myth!

It’s a myth that you can use library databases only if you’re on campus. You can use library databases anywhere!

Picture This

You’re off campus. You’re searching for articles in Google Scholar. You’re finding really good stuff…and nearly every link you click on asks you to pay or log in. You choose the links that don’t ask you to pay. Because that’s your only option, right?


On Campus Searches Compared to Off Campus Searches

When you’re on campus and searching databases like LibrarySearch and PsycINFO, it’s pretty easy to get full text. That’s because library databases provide links (usually labeled Full Text) to subscription resources like journals and newspapers, and the library pays for the subscriptions.

When you’re off campus, things are a little different, but you can still use subscription resources! You just have to take a few extra steps to get to them. The steps are described here on the library’s Off-Campus Access page.

Use Library Databases Anywhere

  • Off-Campus Access: Learn how to access library databases from off campus.
  • Ask Us: Librarians are accessible from anywhere, too! If you’re off campus and you have questions about library databases, you can contact a librarian via chat, email, or text.

Media Contact

Carrie Macfarlane is the Director of Research & Instruction at the Davis Family Library