Davis Family Library: 7:30am - 12am
Armstrong Science Library: 7:45am - 12am

| by Arabella Holzapfel


Collage of images from JSTOR, including zebras in Kenya, document from South Africa, and images of several journals

Middlebury College (Vermont) users now have access to all journals and primary source content on the JSTOR platform.

Since at least 2007, Middlebury has provided access to certain selected collections of archival journals (starting from Volume 1, number 1). Thanks to a change in pricing model that JSTOR has instituted, we are now able to provide Middlebury College users access to all archival journals as well as JSTOR’s primary source materials - Global Plants, 19th century British Pamphlets, Struggles for Freedom: Southern Africa, and World Heritage Sites - Africa.


JSTOR can be accessed directly from go/jstor, or you can find JSTOR content by searching in LibrarySearch. It is also included in our list of databases. (Please note that Global Plants is on its own platform that is not currently compatible with our OpenAthens authentication. To access Global Plants, use go/globalplants.)

Media Contact

Arabella Holzapfel is the Electronic Resources Manager and Library Systems Specialist.