Davis Family Library: 7:30am - 12am
Armstrong Science Library: 7:45am - 12am
pop up of the human body
The Sexual Organs and the Pregnant State, by Percival P. Cole, 1912

Come see “Pop-up! 3-D Books from Special Collections,” an exhibit curated by Anne Lofgren ‘23, in the Davis Family Library atrium. This new Special Collections exhibit features 100 years of pop-up books from the fanciful to the functional, from science textbooks to fairy tales.

a pop-up book page with owls and cacti
Birdscapes: A Pop-Up Celebration of Bird Songs in Stereo Sound

Pop-up books have long been defined as a purely childish genre. However, their exciting three dimensional features—characters that pop off the page, tabs that reveal hidden treasures, and wheels that spin—are playful, interactive, and entertaining for all ages. In fact, pop-up books were originally intended for an adult audience as early as 1775!

Birdscapes: A Pop-Up Celebration of Bird Songs in Stereo Sound

Produced in 2008 by Miyoko Chu (ornithologist), Gene Vosough (paper engineer), Renee Jablow (paper engineer), Andy Baron (paper engineer), & Julia Hargreaves (illustrator)

Books with three dimensional features are perhaps most well-known for visualizing the worlds of our favorite stories. However, pop-up books can also help us understand scientific concepts, express ourselves, experience our natural world, travel to otherwise faraway places, and tell less known histories.

600 Black Spots

By David A. Carter, 2007

This exhibit will introduce (or perhaps reintroduce!) you to a variety of pop-up books and cards made by talented paper engineers and illustrators that serve many of these different purposes. Hopefully, they will inspire you to consider how art and literature work together to tell us compelling narratives and teach us more about our world.

Inside the Personal Computer: An Illustrated Introduction in 3 Dimensions

Sharon Gallagher, 1984

View more videos of these books in action at go/popup/

Curated by Anne Lofgren ‘23 

Exhibition design and support by Rebekah Irwin, Joseph Watson, and Mikaela Taylor.