LibrarySearch will be view-only June 26th - July 22nd. Click here for details on service changes during this time.
Davis Family Library: 9am - 5pm
Armstrong Science Library: 10am - 5pm


With a partial restoration of the funds cut from last year’s budget, the library has been able to restore some of the research resources that had to be cancelled. Here’s what we’re currently in the process of relicensing:

  •  Cambridge Companions online

  •  China Geo-Explorer

  •  Disability in the Modern World

  •  Institute of Physics journals

  •  Journal of the American Medical Association

  •  OECD iLibrary

  •  Oxford Classical Dictionary

  •  Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

  •  Oxford Handbooks Online

  •  Oxford Reference Online Premium

  •  Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature 

  •  Project MUSE Premium Collection (current campus users only, not alumni)

  •  ProQuest Dissertations/Theses PQDT

  •  ProQuest History Vault: Struggle for Women’s Rights

  •  Recent Researches in Music

We’re continuing to work with data, our knowledge of various disciplines and the curriculum, and the faculty feedback we’ve received over the past year. We have more than 300 additional titles to assess, and we’re analyzing usage, patron requests, and titles/publishers where faculty research has appeared, as well as gathering quotes and negotiating contract terms.

There’s more to come!  Please feel free to contact your library liaison or Douglas Black, Collection Development Librarian, with any questions.