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| by Wendy Shook

Staff Picks, MiddPoints

Staff Picks

Based on his viral video series of the same name, Acho takes difficult questions about racism, unpacks the history, and breaks them down, then ends each chapter with suggestions for solutions or resources to “Talk It, Walk It”.  He speaks directly to white people on topics such as white privilege, cultural appropriation, and interracial families, meeting discomfort with blunt honesty, wit, and pragmatism.  He has also authored a companion book, “Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Boy”, directed at a younger audience and their parents.


Acho, Emmanuel. Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man. First Edition. New York: Flatiron Books: An Oprah Book, 2020.

Acho, Emmanuel. Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Boy. Roaring Brook Press, 2021.

Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man. Accessed March 19, 2021.

Book cover art for "Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man"

Get it: 

Borrow Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man in print from the Library

The original video series is available on YouTube at

Media Contact

Wendy Shook is the Science Data Librarian.