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| by Kat Cyr

Staff Picks, MiddPoints

Staff Picks

“From the creator of Your Fat Friend, an explosive indictment on the systemic and cultural issues facing plus-sized people that will move us toward creating an agenda for fat justice”— Provided by publisher.

Gordon, Aubrey. What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About Fat. Boston: Beacon Press, [2020].

Aubrey Gordon guested on a podcast I frequent and I liked her so much that I tracked down her book. Each chapter breaks into a topic of America’s anti-fat bias with quick, often horrifying anecdotes from Gordon’s own past, then dives deep with discoveries gathered from meticulous research into pop culture and science surrounding fatness. Despite the depressing topics, Gordon’s sense of humor and snark peeks through to relieve tension periodically, without undercutting the seriousness of the discussion.

As a straight sized person this book taught me a great deal about what fat people experience day-to-day and some things I can do to make life easier for friends and family who struggle with diet culture and body image, whether or not they are fat. I’d recommend this book to any and every person living in America today. It’s a quick read.

Book Cover What we don't talk about when we talk about fat

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Media Contact

Kat Cyr is an Interlibrary Loan Associate