Welcome to the Libraries, Class of 2025.5
| by Carrie Macfarlane

You’ve been looking forward to this moment, and now it’s finally arrived. You’re here at Middlebury, and you’re ready to start doing so many things!
A few things, though, might require some figuring out. For example, it sometimes takes a little while for students to really find their way around the library.
When you have a question, we’re here to help. No question is too small or too large.
We’d like to introduce ourselves as your librarians by answering a few questions that we know are on your mind:
What are the library’s hours?
When classes are in session (next week!), both the Davis Family Library and the Armstrong Science Library are open seven days a week.
- Find current library hours: go/hours/
Where can I study?
You can settle into a soft chair at a window with a view when you need to do some deep thinking. If you’re working on a problem set, you’ll be able to spread out your notes on a tabletop in a quiet reading room. Logging in to an online class at the same time as your roommate? No problem. Reserve a study room!
- Reserve a study room: go/bookaroom/
How do I find a book by its call number?
To find a book at the library, you need to know its Library of Congress call number, which is basically the book’s address on the shelf. If you’ve never used Library of Congress call numbers before, the system can seem a little bit nonsensical. Librarians can show you how to find a book in the library, starting with a MIDCAT record and ending with a book in hand.
- Watch this video to see how to find a book: On Finding a Book at the Davis Family Library
Where can I find the best sources?
We think that LibrarySearch is a great starting point for a variety of research topics. It allows you to search nearly all of our journal articles, newspaper articles and books at once. You can find LibrarySearch on the Middlebury Libraries home page (go/lib/) under Search > All.
- Learn the essentials of LibrarySearch: LibrarySearch Quick Reference
Say hello to a librarian!
We can answer all these questions and more.
- Find librarians via chat, email, by appointment and at the Research Desk: go/askus/
Media Contact
Carrie M. Macfarlane is the Director of Research & Instruction at the Davis Family Library