Davis Family Library: 7:30am - 1am
Armstrong Science Library: 7:45am - 12am

| by Carrie Macfarlane


No more bookshelf space?

Check out the library’s e-book collections!

Breezy summer nights are perfect for taking a break from your workaday routine. It’s time to set aside the scholarly tomes, and pick up a humorous memoir instead. Or, how about a sci-fi thriller? Maybe a sweet romance, or some historical fiction?

e-book covers
A few of our most popular e-book titles at go/books2go/

If your bookshelves are already full, and the table at your bedside is piled high, don’t worry. We have e-books!

You can browse all kinds of titles by clicking on a tiny link.

Find our most popular e-books (and audiobooks!) at go/books2go/

Questions about e-book platforms? Consult go/ebookguide/, or contact a librarian at go/askus/. Access to go/books2go/ is restricted by license to current Middlebury College students, faculty, and staff.

Media Contact

Carrie Macfarlane is the Director of Research & Instruction at the Davis Family Library