Davis Family Library: 7:30am - 1am
Armstrong Science Library: 7:45am - 12am

| by Rachel Manning


Ill helps you access materials from distant lands

Ever had a movie you really wanted to watch that the library just doesn’t have? Want to study a subject but can’t find any resources in the library? Really need this one chapter of a book but don’t want to buy it?

Welcome to Interlibrary Loan (ILL) where we can order DVDs, books, CDs, articles, and pretty much anything else that can be found in nearby libraries.

This is a free service for all Middlebury College students, faculty, and staff. While we limit the borrowing of physical things (DVD, CD, book, map, etc.) to people able to come collect items here on campus, we do provide scanning services and article retrieval for anyone regardless of where they are in the world.

Find Materials

Search for resources with LibrarySearch (go/LibrarySearch/), or use WorldCat (go/worldcat/), the massive online catalog that connects to thousands of libraries worldwide.

Tip: Both have buttons that will automatically add citation info to your ILL request form

Make a Request

Ask for physical and digital items with our request platform, ILLiad (go/illiad/). The first time you log in to ILLiad you’ll have to do a little set-up, but after that you can request anything you’d like.

Plan Ahead

As a free service, ordering items can take some time. Digital items come anywhere between twenty minutes and three days from the time you order them—physical items can take days or up to a couple of weeks, depending on how far it has to travel.

Order as early as you can to get those textbooks in before you need them for class. Also, the more places that hold an item the quicker ILL can get it, but please order ahead of when you need something.

Learn more about Interlibrary Loan.

Media Contact

Rachel Manning is the Interlibrary Loan Coordinator