Davis Family Library: 7:30am - 10pm
Armstrong Science Library: 7:45am - 5pm

| by Terry Simpkins

While many of our materials are available online, microfilm and microfiche are still important resources for many researchers, especially in History and related disciplines.  During this period of no public access to the library stacks, there are 2 ways to request microforms.


1) To request a known item from a complete citation, please submit an interlibrary loan request

ILLIAD login page

2) To request an entire issue or run of a journal or newspaper, search MIDCAT to locate the title and click the “email circulation” link in the detailed record for the item.  Provide as much information as you can including the title, the year(s) and/or volume(s) needed.  Including a permalink to the MIDCAT record would also be helpful for staff.

MIDCAT record for microform

Once we have received your request, we will retrieve the microform from the stacks, check it out to you, and email you when it is ready for pickup in the vestibule of Davis Family Library.  You can then use our microform readers to browse through the issues you requested.  When you are finished, simply return the item to the book drop in the vestibule.

If you have questions, please contact a librarian at go.middlebury.edu/askus or email borrowing services for assistance.