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Calvin Hulbert

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Calvin B. Hulbert (1827-1917) was successor to President Kitchel, coming to the office after a vacancy in the Presidency of a year. (Prof. W. H. Parker, senior professor, was acting president in the interim.) Hulbert was born in East Sheldon, Vermont, Oct. 18, 1827. His preparation for College was made at the Academies at Bakersfield and Thetford. He entered Dartmouth College in 1849 and graduated in the class of 1859. In the same year he was ordained and became pastor of the Congregational Church at New Haven, Vermont. In 1866, while still a pastor in New Haven, he was elected to the College’s Board of Trustees. After holding pastorates in Newark, New Jersey, and Bennington, Vermont, he was called to the Presidency of Middlebury College in July, 1875. That year, fifty-three students were enrolled at Middlebury.

During the administration of President Hulbert there was constant friction between the students and the faculty. In the fall of 1879 this culminated in the famous “rebellion” when all classes were suspended for several days. The affair was finally settled and the students resumed their College work. On the following Commencement Dr. Hulbert resigned the presidency in 1880 and returned to the work of the gospel ministry. He was acting pastor of the Congregational Church, Lyndonville, Vermont, until 1886. The following year he became the pastor of the Congregational Church in East Hardwick, Vermont.

President Hulbert died in Bowling Green, Ohio, on February 15, 1917.