Middlebury’s Prism Center for Queer and Trans Life provides a vibrant place for students, faculty, and staff to gather and find community with shared identities and experiences.
The Center creates a sense of belonging for the campus community where we can explore gender, sexuality, and romantic identities. We aspire to build a just community that foregrounds critical engagement with intersectional systems of oppression.
- We provide outreach, education, consultation, resources, support, programming, and advocacy services for students, staff, and faculty of all genders and sexual and romantic orientations.
- We use a holistic approach to student development and empowerment that fosters space for identity exploration, community building, academic success, leadership development, and professional growth.
- We center on the experiences of queer and trans people of color.
We Are Here For You!

We Envision...
A campus community free of oppression and discrimination inspired by a shared responsibility to affirm and celebrate all sexual, romantic, and gender identities and expressions; to build coalitions across identity groups; to advocate for equity and inclusion on behalf of ourselves and others; to serve in solidarity in visible and impactful ways; and to actively dismantle racism, heterosexism, and cissexism through transformative and socially-just practices.
Come Visit!

We’re located at 24 Hillcrest Road in the Farrell House across from Adirondack Circle and next to the Franklin Environmental Center at Hillcrest. Both entrances are ramped and the main entrance has ADA door access.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.