Second Annual International and Interdisciplinary Conference

The Young and the Jobless: Youth Unemployment in Times of Crisis 

March 13-15, 2014

Youth unemployment in the new millennium has taken on the proportions of a global crisis.  There is no other single issue that is experienced at all geographical scales, everywhere in the world, all at once, with such grave social, economic and political ramifications. As unemployment figures shatter previous records, the crisis manifests itself differently around the world but its impact on social, political and economic securities of individuals and states has been deep. Working from an interdisciplinary perspective and foregrounding issues from around the world, this conference helps clarify the reasons behind youth unemployment. Even as participants tease out the underpinnings of key terms deployed to characterize this crisis, they also help us understand how gender, race and national identity shape the effects of joblessness as well as the policies deployed to address them.

Pre-Conference Events

Youth Unemployment Videoconferences between language classes at Middlebury and students at C.V. Starr-Middlebury Schools Abroad (to attend please email Charlotte Tate,

  • Monday, March 10, 9-10:30am, Library 145

Videoconference in French between Paris and Middlebury 

  • Tuesday, March 11, 11am-12:15pm, Robert A. Jones ’59 House conference room

Videoconference in Spanish between Madrid and Middlebury 

  • Thursday, March 13, 8:30-10:30am, Library 105

Videoconference in Russian between Madrid and Middlebury

DETROPIA: A Documentary

Wednesday, March 12. 7:30 p.m.

Dana Auditorium

Film screening of the film DETROPIA, sponsored by the Rohatyn Student Advisory Board. Light refreshments will be served.

Organizers and Contact Information

Tamar Mayer, Robert R. Churchill Professor of Geosciences, Director of Rohatyn Center for Global Affairs, and Director of International and Global Studies,

Jamie McCallum, Assistant Professor of Sociology,  

Sujata Moorti, Professor of Gender, Sexuality & Feminist Studies,

Robert E. Prasch, Professor of Economics,