Recorded Sessions
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Thursday, March 10, 2016
4:30–6:15 p.m.
The Role of the State and International Institutions
Moderator: Nadia Horning, Political Science
Chair: Timothy Fraser ’16
- GMO Trade Negotiations as Proxy for Cultural Differences
Patricia Stapleton, Worcester Polytechnic Institute - “Erst Kommt Das Fressen”: Food Insecurity and Food Sovereignty in Greece
Harry Konstantinidis, Economics, University of Massachusetts, Boston - Scientification and Social Control: Radiation Contamination in Food and Farms in Japan
Tomiko Yamaguchi, International Christian University, Japan
7:00–8:30 p.m.
Cultural Adaptation to Scarcity
Moderator: Mez Baker Medard, Environmental Studies
Chair: Anna Chamby ’16
- The Politics of Adequacy: Food Provisioning, Entitlements, and Everyday Life in Post-Soviet Cuba
Hanna Garth, Anthropology, University of California, Irvine - No Roi (already full): Dealing with Food Insecurity in Contemporary Vietnamese Rituals
Nir Avieli, Sociology and Anthropology, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Friday, March 11, 2016
12:30–2:00 p.m.
Socially Constructed Vulnerability and Food Insecurity
Moderator: Julia Berazneva, Economics
Chair: Emma Gee ’16
- Hunger and Land in Neoliberal Nicaragua: The Collision of Past and Present
Birgit Schmook, Senior Researcher, Department of Conservation and Biodiversity, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Chetumal, Mexico, with Lindsey Carte and Claudia Radel - The Causes and Consequences of Njaa (hunger) in the Household: Food Insecurity and Intimate Partner Violence within a Kenyan Informal Settlement
Adam Gilbertson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Embodied Inequalities: Race, Class, and Food Access in Washington, DC
Ashanté M. Reese, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Spelman College
2:30–3:45 p.m.
Migration and Changing Foodscapes
Moderator: Joseph Holler, Geography
Chair: Zane Anthony ’16.5
- Seeds Sent from Home: Migrant farm worker gardens and food security in Vermont
Jessie Mazar, University of Vermont, with Teresa Mares - Insecure Urban Foodscapes
Colleen Hammelman, Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University
4:15–5:30 p.m.
War and Memory of Hunger
Moderator: Sandra Carletti, Italian
Chair: Lee Schlenker ’16
- “Groveling for Lentils”: Hunger and Memory in Occupied France
Paula Schwartz, French, Middlebury College - Bitter Greens and Sweet Potatoes: Food as Embodied Memory in Rural China
Ellen Oxfeld, Sociology and Anthropology, Middlebury College
Saturday, March 12, 2016
9:00–10:15 a.m.
Agroecology Access to Land and Seeds
Moderator: William Amidon, Geology
Chair: Aoife Duna ’16.5
- The Maya Land Rights Struggle: A Framework for Operationalizing “Foodways with Identity”
Mark Chatarpal, Anthropology Department and Food Studies Institute, Indiana University, Bloomington - Food Security, Agro-biodiversity, and the State: The Struggle to Defend Native Corn Systems in Southern Mexico
Laurel Bellante, Geography and Development, University of Arizona - Subsistence Under the Canopy: Agroecology’s Contributions to Food and Nutrition Security amongst Coffee Communities of Mesoamerica
Margarita Fernandez, Vermont Caribbean Institute and University of Vermont
10:30–12:00 p.m.
The Politics of Food Security
Moderator: Diego Thompson Bello, Sociology/Anthropology
Chair: Joshua Berlowitz ’16
- What’s on Your Plate? Is Global Diet Change the Key to Food and Climate Justice?
David Cleveland, Environmental Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara - Governance and Power in Food (in)Security
Molly Anderson, Food Studies, Middlebury College
12:30–2:00 p.m.
Student Summarizers: Francesca Conde ’17 and Angelica Segura ’16