Allie Stankewich, a member of the 2023 Projects for Peace cohort from Washington & Lee, talks about her implementation experience, future plans, and how her time at W&L has shaped her.
Two University of Richmond seniors—Ngan Bui and Elspeth Collard—have Projects for Peace grants. They will focus on human trafficking and human-wildlife interaction.
After completing a Project for Peace as an undergraduate at St. Olaf College, Duy Ha has continued his community engagement work in his native Vietnam.
College of the Atlantic’s Mauro José Ramírez Azofeifa co-founded Visionarios de Paz, an environmental education organization based in his hometown of Palmichal, Costa Rica with his $10,000 Projects for Peace grant. Read all about him and his work!
The two most recent Bowdoin recipients of Projects for Peace grants made progress this summer on the issues they’re committed to solving: addressing environmental threats in Serbia and ending the practice of female genital mutilation.
Projects for Peace and Williams College alum Hamza Farrukh has continued the work he started in 2014 to help Pakistanis impacted by flooding access clean drinking water.
Gettysburg College classmates Julia Clevinger and Katharine Watson partnered with Tanzanian company Consumer’s Choice Ltd. (CCL) to provide clean cookstoves to members of a local community. Read more about this project here!
Concordia College student Amina Fatkhulloeva designed her Project for Peace, “Water to Promote Food Security in Varzi-Kanda Village, Tajikistan,” to combat food insecurity in her hometown. Read on to learn about her and her work!
Mariana Orias López designed her project “Estudio de Arte Móvil Sahuinto” to combat a lack of environmental education in her hometown. Read on for a full profile on Orias López and her project.
Neil Oculi, who conducted a Project for Peace in 2009, recently joined the faculty at the University of Portland as an environmental policy professor. He also attended environmental summit COP26 as a delegate for his native St. Lucia.