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News and Publications

Visiting Professor Natalie Chwalisz has published “Beating the Gun—One Conversation at a Time? Evaluating the Impact of DC’s “Cure the Streets” Public Health Intervention Against Gun Violence” in Crime & Delinquency.

Associate Professor Gary Winslett, along with Middlebury student Taylor Phillips has published The Evolving Legal Architecture Shaping the Digital Trade in Services in the Journal of Law, Technology and Policy.

Associate Professor Gary Winslett has published “Technology and the New Geography of Trade Politics” in A Research Agenda for International Political Economy

Associate Professor Gary Winslett has published “The Trade Zax: Explaining When Regulatory Disputes Escalate into Trade Wars” in Research Handbook on Trade Wars.

Associate Professor Ajay Verghese has won a fellowship at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C. to work on completing his second book manuscript on Hinduism and politics in contemporary India.

Associate Professor Ajay Verghese has published “The Problem of Infinite Regress: A Stopping Rules Approach” in Sociological Theory.

Associate Professor Sebnem Gumuscu has published Democracy or Authoritarianism: Islamist Governments in Turkey, Egypt, and Tunisia (Cambridge University Press).

Associate Professor Sebnem Gumuscu has published her article “The AKP and Stealth Islamization in Turkey” in Turkish Studies.

Associate Professor Keegan Callanan has published The Cambridge Companion to Montesquieu (Cambridge University Press).

Associate Professor Kemi Fuentes-George has published “The Legacy of Colonialism on Contemporary Environmental Governance” in Georgetown Journal of International Affairs.

Associate Professor Kemi Fuentes-George has published “Protest Music: Using Music to Challenge (Environmental) Hegemony” in Teaching Environmental Justice.

Associate Professor Kemi Fuentes-George has received a five-year NSF/UVM Study of Online Corpora, Knowledge, and Stories (SOCKS) Grant.

Professor Jessica Teets has been selected to serve on the advisory board for the National Committee of US-China Relations.

Professor Jessica Teets and her colleague Xiang Gao have published “Citizen Participation in China,” in The Oxford International Handbook of Public Administration for Social Policy: Promising Practices and Emerging Challenges.

Professor Sarah Stroup has published “Humanitarian Organizations: behemoths and butterflies” in Handbook on Humanitarianism and Inequality.

Professor Sarah Stroup and colleague Sarah Bush have published “Stay Off My Field: policing boundaries in human rights and democracy promotion” in International Theory.

The work of the Engaged Listening Project (co-founded by Professor Sarah Stroup, now directed by Associate Professor Sebnem Gumuscu) is featured in a Chronicle of Higher Education report, Fostering Students’ Free Expression: how colleges can support and encourage tough conversation. |

Charles A. Dana Professor Murray Dry has published “Assessments of Erwin Chemerinsky’s Worse than Nothing: The Dangerous Fallacy of Originalism” in Perspectives on Political Science.