School of French, Middlebury, Vermont

Armelle Crouzières-Ingenthron

Director, School of French

Office Hours:
Fall 2024: Mon&Wed 12:15-1:15 pm, Fri 8:30-9:30 am and by appointment. Armelle Crouzier's Personal Meeting Room Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Password: French

Barbara Sicot

Associate Director, School of French

Sheila Schwaneflugel

Assistant Director, School of French - Graduate

Lesley Huston

Assistant Director, School of Abenaki and School of French

Office Hours:

Graduate Option Abroad, Paris, France

David Paoli

Associate Professor and Director, School in France

Xavier Le Person

Associate Director, School of French, Paris (Summer Only)

Faculty at Middlebury Campus

Dominique Agostini

Marc Beaudin

Keira Benzineb

Mireille Brémond

Dijana Corkovic

Cynthia Cravo

Florian P. Croisé

Romain DeGroote

Corinne Fertein

Romuald Fonkoua

Charles Frankel

Lucie Gallissot, Language Tutor

Patrick Guédon

Wedsly Guerrier

Barbara Battesti

Estelle Kouokam Magne

Christophe Lagier

Richard Mattei

Vincent Mattei

Simone Muller

Anne Muxel

Véronique Ogden

Claude Pelopidas

Pascal Perrineau

Thomas Prat

Sylvie Requemora-Gros

Fariha Reza, Language Tutor

Nicolas Roussellier

Elise Salaun

Pascal Somé

Lourdes Suarez-Valle

Desiderio Tejedor De Felipe

Cultural Programming

Clémentine Dubost, Music Director

Michel Gagné, Cabaret Director

Marc Beaudin and Gaëlle Hispard, Theatre Directors

Faculty at the Summer Graduate Program in Paris

Jonathan Broda

Xavier Le Person

Odile Ledru-Menot

Anastasia Scepi

Violaine Bigot

Faculty at the School of France in Paris

Malory Leclere

Xavier Le Person

Andre Loez

Boniface Mongo

Nicolas Roussellier

Claudia Simma

Franz de Spot


Alysse Anton, Teaching Assistant

Isabelle Caron

Alex Crémieu-Alcan

Connor Owens

Oksana Parafeniuk

Julie Senat, Teaching Assistant

Antonin Somé

Veronica Lawson Vilches