The Middlebury Parents’ Committee promotes philanthropic engagement with Middlebury by example and through members’ service as ambassadors for the College.

Supporting Today’s Students

The networks and friendships we build and the funds we raise make the College strong and make our own students more likely to succeed.

Acting under the supervision of the associate director of family philanthropy, we serve in leadership roles that strengthen engagement and philanthropy within the Middlebury parent community. Our assignments depend on which role(s) we choose to undertake and the information shared in our membership questionnaires about our interests, connections, and expertise. We give to the Parents’ Fund, and we encourage others to give.

A History of Success

Middlebury is grateful for its tradition of generous and long-lived support by parents, starting while their students are here and—for many—continuing long after their students have graduated and are living meaningful lives. We welcome and benefit from gifts of all sizes, whether dedicated to the present or future of Middlebury’s mission.

Frequently Asked Questions


Middlebury parents contributed over $3.8 million in expendable gifts for the Parents’ Fund and over $20 million when including endowed and capital gifts.


The number varies each year but averages 50 to 60 families.


We aim to have representation of people from a variety of backgrounds and ranging from first-year parents who are new to the College to parents who have known the College for many years. Our members

  • Support the Parents’ Fund every year at an 1800 Society level and support other Middlebury projects.
  • Greet families at events held in their local areas or on campus.
  • Help build excitement about what’s happening at Middlebury through word of mouth, direct communication, or social media.
  • Connect Middlebury with other potential leadership donors from our networks.

Members support Middlebury with a gift every year at one of the 1800 Society levels ($2,500 to $100,000 or more) and participate in scheduled Parents’ Committee events—one annual event and two to three Speaker Series webinars. Learn more about the 1800 Society.

Meet our Parents’ Committee Chair

headshot of Sally Thurston, wearing a black blazer over a white patterned shirt

When I first heard of Middlebury during my daughter’s college search, I knew at once that it was the place for her (Emily Power ’23.5). Two years later, I was thrilled when my son Alex ’25 also joined the Middlebury community. Needless to say, with my two children at the same college, I jumped at the chance to become involved on the Parents’ Committee.

Becoming a parent volunteer has enriched my connection to the school and the Middlebury community. I have a deeper appreciation of my children’s experience and the education they are obtaining, as well as the challenges the school faces. Now, more than ever, when liberal arts colleges are under increasing pressure on a number of fronts, the importance of supporting a place like Middlebury cannot be overstated. I am happy to contribute to Midd’s being the unique and inspiring institution it is, with the financial resources to attract and retain candidates from all backgrounds.

Sally Thurston P’23.5, ’25
Parents’ Committee Chair

Learn More

If you are interested in learning more about volunteer opportunities with the Parents’ Committee, contact Katherine Copeland, associate director of family philanthropy, at