Alumni Services
Careers and Networking
- Resources and opportunities for alumni from the Center for Careers and Internships
- Middlebury Institute Center for Advising and Career Services
- Midd2Midd connects students, alumni, and parents for networking and mentoring opportunities
- Middlebury Professional Network connects alumni in industry-specific groups
- Middlebury faculty/staff positions in Vermont or California
News and Information
Records and Alumni Services
Learn with Us
- Alumni College
- Online offerings
- Audit a class at Middlebury College
Connect with Us
- Facebook Groups by class, region, or interest
- MiddGroups
- Midd2Midd
- Volunteer
- Events
Get Your Alumni ID Card
Your alumni ID card gives you access to many of the programs and facilities Middlebury has to offer.
- Access to Middlebury Athletics Complex and Natatorium (+1 guest)
- Borrowing privileges at Davis Family Library
- Discounts at the Middlebury Snow Bowl, Rikert Nordic Center, and Ralph Myhre Golf Course
Contact the Alumni Office at alumni@middlebury.edu or 802-443-5183. There is a $5 processing charge for all new cards.