Meg Storey Groves ’85
Associate Vice President for Alumni and Parent Programs

- Office
- 700 Exchange Street 140
- Tel
- (802) 443-5196
Meg oversees the Alumni and Parent Programs team, supporting campus, regional, and online programming for alumni and parents. She also serves as the liaison to the Middlebury Alumni Association Board.
Meg returned to work at Middlebury in 2006. Before coming back home to Middlebury, she worked at Bank of New York, General Mills—Gorton’s Fishsticks, Champion sports clothing, and Ben & Jerry’s. She earned an MBA from the Tuck School at Dartmouth.
An East Asian Studies major at Middlebury, Meg enjoyed playing basketball for coach Missy Foote, studying Mandarin with Professor John Berninghausen—including a long summer at the Language Schools—studying abroad in Taiwan, and making the most of her time with friends at Middlebury.