Professional formation is about not only learning a profession and preparing to enter the workforce, but also the ongoing work of advancing effective solutions to the world’s problems through original research and constructive debate within those professions. Graduate students have a unique opportunity to inform and structure those public debates as they enter the workforce and lessen polarization and extremism in the process.

May 10, 2024 : Join the Graduate Pillar of the Kathryn Wasserman Davis Collaborative in Conflict Transformation for a day of dialogue, storytelling, and discussion about conflict transformation at local and global scales - community-based advocacy, countering extremism, environmental conflict, intercultural engagement, peacebuilding, and more. 65 Conflict Transformation Fellows as well as faculty and staff will share in a range of formats about their year-long projects, courses, research, immersive experiences, and community engagement focused on social change.

Participants are welcome to join for any or all parts of the event, both in Monterey, CA and online. We look forward to your participation!

Please click here to view the full schedule of events and to RSVP.

Conflict Transformation is also supporting experiential learning for students and faculty, through contributions to Immersive Professional Learning funding and Immersive Learning international experiences.


Netta Avineri, Professor, TESOL at the Middlebury Institute for International Studies