127 Items

  1. FacultyFall 2020StaffStudents

    Initial Day 7 Test Results

    | by Mark Peluso

    I am writing to share some initial results from our most recent COVID-19 tests for students who arrived August 26 and 27. Of the 322 results received so far, one student tested positive, 316 tests were negative, and five individuals will be retested due to insufficient samples. We expect to receive more results later today but wanted to keep you informed.

  2. FacultyFall 2020StaffStudents

    Student Arrival Test Results

    | by Mark Peluso and Derek Doucet

    We are writing to share the results of our most recent COVID-19 tests of students arriving on campus August 28 and 29. Of the 1,109 students tested, there were zero positive results; 1,103 tests were negative; and six individuals will be retested due to insufficient samples. We also received 26 additional results from retesting, and all were negative.

  3. FacultyFall 2020

    Faculty Updates

    | by Sujata Moorti

    As we gear up for the fall semester I wanted to send you an update with a number of housekeeping details. First though I want to thank you all for all the work you have conducted over the summer on preparing for fall classes. Because of the time you have invested in course preparation, I am confident that the student learning experience this fall will be radically different from the spring.