Dean of Students Updates: Vaccinations, Summer Plans, Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, and Self Care and Outdoor Rec
Dear Students,
This week’s DOS update focuses on a small but welcome change in Vermont’s vaccination plan for college students, clarifications around work and research on campus this summer, Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, opportunities for self care, outdoor recreation, and more.
Vaccine Registration Opening April 29
Good news: The state has announced that all college students in Vermont will be eligible to make a vaccination appointment beginning on Thursday, April 29, a day earlier than previously announced. Mark your calendars, and please see last week’s DOS update for instructions and tips for registering.
Summer On Campus Clarifications
Students presently living on campus and planning to work or do research and live on campus this summer should stay on campus from the end of the term and begin employment on June 1. Students not living on campus this term but returning for summer work or research should plan to arrive on June 24. In rare circumstances, a June 7 arrival may be possible. Students should work directly with their supervisors to request such early arrivals, which will be granted in only the most compelling circumstances. Students living and working on campus this summer must be fully immunized (2 weeks after their final dose) by June 24th or have a valid medical or religious exemption.
Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month
April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. Recognizing there are survivors on campus as well as friends and family members who have been impacted by sexual violence, we want to offer an acknowledgment of those experiences and make note of resources that are available to all Middlebury students:
MiddSafe: 24/7 free and confidential hotline staffed by student advocates. 802-377-0239,Online Advocate.
Emily Wagner: Confidential staff advocate in Health and Wellness Education. 802-443-2240,
WomenSafe: 24/7 free and confidential hotline staffed by community advocates in Addison County, 802-388-4205. Support Group for Survivors-: Contact Foresta at
RAINN: 24/7 free and confidential national hotline and chat that will connect you to advocates close to your location., 800-656-4673.
Civil Rights and Title IX Office: Reporting options, policy questions, supportive measures,, Online Reporting Form.
ConsentFest. Annual event that provides conversations and activities with peer educators and advocates about relationships, communication, and consent, go/consentfest2021.
Health Services: Confidential health care, testing and support, including trained nurses for Sexual Assault Forensic Exams,. 802-443-3290. (forensic exams are not required to receive care)
Additionally, Middlebury Counseling, MiddTelehealth, and the Middlebury Chaplains are confidential resources who are here to listen and offer support.
Reclaiming Self Care Workshop
Join visiting wellness practitioner Yoo-Jin Kang (she/her) for an interactive workshop to learn about the roots of self care, how self care ties into individual and collective liberation, and how to practice self care in holistic and embodied ways. Register for the Zoom link at Read more about Yoo-Jin and her work at
Testing Plan
Recent test results suggest low prevalence of COVID-19 on campus at the moment. We therefore anticipate testing each student once next week. Watch for an email from about which day (Monday or Thursday) you’re scheduled to come to testing. You should also monitor the Testing Schedule webpage in case changes must be made in response to today’s test results. As always, please remember that attendance at testing is mandatory and unexcused absences will be considered COVID-19 violations.
Outdoor Programs
Did you know that Middlebury Outdoor Programs is offering an assortment of fun outdoor recreation opportunities? Go/outdoors for details and to sign up!
Campus Status Updates
We do not anticipate any substantial changes to the Campus Status webpage this week.
Open Office Hours with Jen, Mark, and Derek
We want to hear your feedback and answer your questions! Join Director of Environmental Health and Safety Jen Kazmierczak, Chief Health Officer and College Physician Mark Peluso, and me at our weekly open office hours, Friday, April 23, from noon to 1:30 p.m. Go to this Zoom link. You can submit questions in advance.
Derek Doucet (He/Him/His)
Dean of Students