Saturday, February 15, 2025
Winter Carnival Ice Show
“The Ice Show features skaters of all ages and abilities, including lots of local kids, in a fun event filled with music and costumes. The theme this year is All You Need is Love! Cheer on the beginners and be dazzled by competitive skaters. Come and enjoy the show! Concessions will be available. Kenyon Arena is fully accessible. The show is run by the MCAB, the Middlebury College Figure Skating Club and the Middlebury Figure Skating Club, a non-competitive figure skating program, with participation open to kids from the local community.”
Chip Kenyon Arena
Open to the Public
Charter House Coalition Dinner
Help make and serve dinner at the Middlebury Charter House!
Off Campus
V.I.P. and Tea
Please join Voices of Indigenous Peoples on Saturdays from 7pm to 8pm in the AFC! Tea will be provided, so bring your own mug if you want! We will enjoy Jackbox games or watch “Reservation Dogs.” All identities are welcome!
Anderson Freeman Resource Center
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Middlebury Ski and Ride Group Ski
Meet at Snowbowl or ADK circle. More information published in GroupMe
Adirondack Circle
Special Olympics Pickup Basketball Game
Come join the Addison division of Special Olympics Middlebury Athletics, and MiddVolunteers for our weekly pickup Basketball game!
Memorial Field House Pepin Gymnasium
Log Rolling!
Join us for log rolling! Duel your friends and test your balance on the log. Bring a towel and swimsuit!
Natatorium Shallow End
Winter Carnival Ice Show
“The Ice Show features skaters of all ages and abilities, including lots of local kids, in a fun event filled with music and costumes. The theme this year is All You Need is Love! Cheer on the beginners and be dazzled by competitive skaters. Come and enjoy the show! Concessions will be available. Kenyon Arena is fully accessible. The show is run by the MCAB, the Middlebury College Figure Skating Club and the Middlebury Figure Skating Club, a non-competitive figure skating program, with participation open to kids from the local community.”
Chip Kenyon Arena
Open to the Public
Touch Rugby with MCWRC and MCRC
Excited to play rugby but can’t wait for the fields to clear up and get dry? Wait no longer—join the men’s and women’s+ club teams for touch rugby, a no-contact way to get to know the rules and get some touches on a rugby ball!
Virtue Field House