
Before You Go
It is important that all international travelers who will be using Middlebury-owned, or personal computing devices, be aware of their responsibility to protect Middlebury’s data and resources when remotely accessing data from off campus.
Please review the Digital Security Guidelines for Travelers for common considerations for traveling with technology.
Additionally, in some circumstances, export controls may apply to the handcarry of computing devices. Please refer to Export Controls, Import Controls, and Trade Sanctions for further guidance.
Help from Information Technology Services
Information Technology Services (ITS) is available to consult with community members who are planning trips and/or projects outside the U.S. to ensure that best practices for computing and communication are understood.
ITS suggests doing the following:
- Share your plans and technology needs with ITS as early as possible, since research into technology solutions in other countries takes time. We can help you set reasonable expectations for meeting your technology needs and that works best if you include ITS from the start.
- Give us ongoing feedback regarding the recommendations we provide. This allows ITS to continue to build an understanding of what works and what doesn’t in each location.
Be Careful with Sensitive Data!
A reminder to all Middlebury employees that restricted, confidential, and sensitive information related to Middlebury people and activities must not be stored on individual faculty, staff, or student employee computers, or personally owned devices. Please keep all such data in appropriate and secure Middlebury-provided services.
Learn about your responsibilities and how to keep your devices and data secure at Information Security.
Contact the ITS Helpdesk at or Middlebury Information Security at
Forms, Policies, and Resources
See our extensive list of important forms and information.