Travel Information
Members of the faculty and staff traveling on Middlebury business are expected to exercise the same care incurring expense as a prudent person traveling for personal reasons.
Individuals traveling on behalf of Middlebury should seek the least expensive option that allows them to do their job effectively and safely when incurring any expense that will be charged to Middlebury.
Travel Reservations
Middlebury has designated Milne Travel as our preferred vendor for travel services.
Members of the faculty and staff may make air and rail reservations using these two agencies. The preferred vendors also negotiate with major chains for preferential auto rental and hotel room rates for Middlebury personnel. Except when attending a conference through which special hotel rates are provided, travelers are encouraged to consult with the travel agents prior to making hotel or auto rental reservations.
The preferred travel vendors will bill Middlebury directly when an employee’s ID number and appropriate budget number are provided. Travelers should be sure to use the specific departmental or grant budget code for the trip at the time of booking.
Some travelers may elect to make their own reservations using Web-based services. Travelers choosing this course are encouraged to obtain a competitive quote from the preferred agents before finalizing alternative bookings. As always, controlling the institutional costs of Middlebury travel and maximizing budget resources should be the goal of everyone traveling on Middlebury business. Travelers booking fares independently use a personal or Middlebury credit card and must submit expense reports in Oracle.
Additional Information
For further information on Middlebury’s travel expense policy, please refer to Middlebury’s travel expense policy.
You may also reference information from the U.S. Department of State on the following topics:
Forms, Policies, and Resources
See this extensive list of important forms and information.