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| by Kaitlin Buerge and Rebekah Irwin

Special Collections

Every year, November 13-19 marks Transgender Awareness Week, a week when transgender people and their allies take action to bring attention to the trans community

How To Transition Book
How to Transition on Sixty-Three Cents a Day, by Lee Krist

This artist book contains a memoir told through thirty postcards from the author to his mother as he moves from New York City to Portland, Oregon, and physically transitions from female to male.

This non-linear memoir includes thirty-one postcards, a Monopoly game “Get out of jail free” card, a filmstrip, menus, and advertisements.

How to Transition Contents

To explore additional Library collections during Trans Awareness week (and any other week), visit our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer+ Studies Library Research Guide.