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| by Leanne Galletly

Library Mews

Our cats have been Zoom-bombing since 2020, and it’s about time they get the spotlight they deserve. In this fun series, we will introduce you to the felines owned by Middlebury Library staff.

EdieBird peaking out from under the blankets

Name: EdieBird

Age: 8

Coloration / Breed:

Tabby, domestic short hair

Place of Origin:

Montreal, Canada

Adopted by:

Terry Simpkins, Librarian

EdieBird passed out on the couch

Fun facts:

Named after Edith Piaf (“piaf” is, apparently, quebecois slang for “little bird,” hence, EdieBird)

Also known as “Da Bird,” “Big Bird,” or sometimes “Birdy Bird”

Her meow sounds like the disgruntled whine of an asthmatic old woman

Queen of Chez Simpkins, ruling the roost at a rather Rubenesque 18 pounds

Favorite Toy:

Paper bags and cardboard boxes

Special Talents:

Adept at burrowing beneath stray clothes, blankets, etc., and pretending, despite her massive bulk, to be completely invisible

Cover Art for Edith Piaf Collected Works

If she had a library card…

EdieBird would check out The complete works of Edith Piaf, 1936-1945, so she could compare their beautiful voices.

Follow the series

Each month we’ll feature a new staff cat. To keep up with this series, use the link go/librarymews/. If you were hoping to find library news, please visit go/librarynews/.

Media Contact

Leanne Galletly is the User Experience & Digital Scholarship Librarian, as well as a big fan of the feline.