LibrarySearch will be view-only June 26th - July 22nd. Click here for details on service changes during this time.
Davis Family Library: 9am - 5pm
Armstrong Science Library: 10am - 5pm

21 Items

  1. Library Mews

    Library Mews: Sable

    | by Leanne Galletly

    Our cats have been Zoom-bombing since 2020, and it’s about time they get the spotlight they deserve. In this fun series, we will introduce you to the felines owned by Middlebury Library staff.

  2. Library Mews

    Library Mews: Lera

    | by Leanne Galletly

    Our cats have been Zoom-bombing since 2020, and it’s about time they get the spotlight they deserve. In this fun series, we will introduce you to the felines owned by Middlebury Library staff.

  3. Library Mews

    Library Mews: Jabo

    | by Leanne Galletly

    Our cats have been Zoom-bombing since 2020, and it’s about time they get the spotlight they deserve. In this fun series, we will introduce you to the felines owned by Middlebury Library staff.

  4. Library Mews

    Library Mews: Vitamin

    | by Leanne Galletly

    Our cats have been Zoom-bombing since 2020, and it’s about time they get the spotlight they deserve. In this fun series, we will introduce you to the felines owned by Middlebury Library staff.

  5. Library Mews

    Library Mews: Clyde

    | by Leanne Galletly

    Our cats have been Zoom-bombing since 2020, and it’s about time they get the spotlight they deserve. In this fun series, we will introduce you to the felines owned by Middlebury Library staff.

  6. Library Mews

    Library Mews: Hinaichigo

    | by Leanne Galletly

    Our cats have been Zoom-bombing since 2020, and it’s about time they get the spotlight they deserve. In this fun series, we will introduce you to the felines owned by Middlebury Library staff.

  7. Library Mews

    Library Mews: Wanda

    | by Leanne Galletly

    Our cats have been Zoom-bombing since 2020, and it’s about time they get the spotlight they deserve. In this fun series, we will introduce you to the felines owned by Middlebury Library staff.