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| by Leanne Galletly

Library Mews

Our cats have been Zoom-bombing since 2020, and it’s about time they get the spotlight they deserve. In this fun series, we will introduce you to the felines owned by Middlebury Library staff.

Sophie outside in her leash and harness

Name: Sophia Grace (aka Sophie)

Age: Adult

Coloration / Breed:

Bobtail with white beneath and grey tiger on top

Place of Origin:


Adopted by:

Kat Cyr, Interlibray Loan Associate

Sophie laying on towels in a cubby

Favorite Toy:

A particular soft toy tied to an old wand. Also anything pen shaped.

Special Talents:

Every human must feed her treats once they enter the kitchen for the first time in any given day. This is not a choice.

The Queen of staring creepily into space at nothing.

If you pull out a toy and start flinging it around, Sophia Grace will come out of nowhere to play. She will also happily jump through the air after it with impressive feats of acrobatic contortion.

Fun facts:

Kat inherited Miss Grace from her father. She was his first and only cat and they were inseparable.

Sophie’s a huge fan of going for walks in her kitty holster. She loves to rub up against that harness where it hangs and scream—that generally means she wants a walk.

She consistently asks to come to work. Alas, Kat has been informed that there is a no-cat policy in the library.

Sophie facing the wall
Cover art for How to Train Your Human

If she had a library card…

Sophie would use interlibrary loan to read How to Train Your Human, because there could be some useful information in it.

Follow the series

Each month we’ll feature a new staff cat. To keep up with this series, use the link go/librarymews/. If you were hoping to find library news, please visit go/librarynews/.

Media Contact

Leanne Galletly was the User Experience & Digital Scholarship Librarian, as well as a big fan of the feline.

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    | by Leanne Galletly

    Our cats have been Zoom-bombing since 2020, and it’s about time they get the spotlight they deserve. In this fun series, we will introduce you to the felines owned by Middlebury Library staff.

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    | by Leanne Galletly

    Our cats have been Zoom-bombing since 2020, and it’s about time they get the spotlight they deserve. In this fun series, we will introduce you to the felines owned by Middlebury Library staff.

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    | by Leanne Galletly

    Our cats have been Zoom-bombing since 2020, and it’s about time they get the spotlight they deserve. In this fun series, we will introduce you to the felines owned by Middlebury Library staff.