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| by Leanne Galletly

Library Mews

Our cats have been Zoom-bombing since 2020, and it’s about time they get the spotlight they deserve. In this fun series, we will introduce you to the felines owned by Middlebury Library staff.

Lera in a laundry basket

Name: Lera

Age: Adult

Coloration / Breed:

Domestic medium hair, tabby

Place of Origin:

Elmore SPCA

Adopted by:

Brenda Ellis, Sr. Research & Instruction Librarian extraordinaire

Lera shows her fangs

Favorite Toy:

Hair bands - she tosses them then bats them around.

Special Talents:

Very communicative when she wants more food. It must be fresh at all times!

Fun facts:

She’s a great mouser! (if the mouse is lucky I can pluck it from her unforgiving jaws and catch and release - outside)!

She’s also a bat killer (luckily it didn’t have rabies).

She has the softest coat you’ve ever felt and a tail so fluffy it is almost as wide as her body.

Lera is couch Queen. Brenda’s dog will let her sleep next to her on the couch or bed as long as Lera doesn’t actually touch her. Dogs have to maintain their dignity!

Lera sleeping on the couch
Cat woman cover art

If she had a library card…

Lera would check out Catwoman, a celebration of 75 years. Brenda thinks she moonlights as a Marvel character: “Friend or foe, Gotham’s feline femme fatale continually skirts the line between right and wrong. She’s a dangerous criminal whose claws aren’t to be crossed, but she’s also the city’s Robin Hood, using her unlawful talents to help those in need.”

Follow the series

Each month we’ll feature a new staff cat. To keep up with this series, use the link go/librarymews/. If you were hoping to find library news, please visit go/librarynews/.

Media Contact

Leanne Galletly was the User Experience & Digital Scholarship Librarian, as well as a big fan of the feline.

  • Library Mews

    Library Mews: Shinku

    | by Leanne Galletly

    Our cats have been Zoom-bombing since 2020, and it’s about time they get the spotlight they deserve. In this fun series, we will introduce you to the felines owned by Middlebury Library staff.

  • Library Mews

    Library Mews: Alva

    | by Leanne Galletly

    Our cats have been Zoom-bombing since 2020, and it’s about time they get the spotlight they deserve. In this fun series, we will introduce you to the felines owned by Middlebury Library staff.

  • Library Mews

    Library Mews: EdieBird

    | by Leanne Galletly

    Our cats have been Zoom-bombing since 2020, and it’s about time they get the spotlight they deserve. In this fun series, we will introduce you to the felines owned by Middlebury Library staff.