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Davis Family Library: 7:30am - 5pm
Armstrong Science Library: 7:45am - 5pm

| by Leanne Galletly

Library Mews

Our cats have been Zoom-bombing since 2020, and it’s about time they get the spotlight they deserve. In this fun series, we will introduce you to the felines owned by Middlebury Library staff.

Gordon working hard

Name: Gordon

Age: 4

Coloration / Breed:

Black, domestic short hair

Place of Origin:

Humane Society of Chittenden County


Adopted by:

Leanne Galletly, User Experience and Digital Scholarship Librarian

Gordon sitting in a basket that's just a little too small for him

Fun facts:

Came with the name Charmander

Serves as household alarm clock (5:45am every single day)

Likes kale

If he fits, he sits



Favorite Toy:

Pipe cleaners

Special Talents:

Finding and licking plastic

Twin Peaks cover art

If he had a library card…

Gordon would check out Twin Peaks, so he could learn more about his namesake, Gordon Cole.

Follow the series

Each month we’ll feature a new staff cat. To keep up with this series, use the link go/librarymews/. If you were hoping to find library news, please visit go/librarynews/.

Media Contact

Leanne Galletly is the User Experience & Digital Scholarship Librarian, as well as a big fan of the feline.