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| by Arabella Holzapfel


Montage of images from resources linked to in post

Middlebury (Vermont) users now have access to several primary source databases documenting the history of various nations and municipalities along the Pacific Rim.


  • Korea: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1930-1963 : This archive documents Korea under Japanese occupation through the postwar period. Japan annexed Korea in 1910, and in the period 1931 to 1945 it ruled Korea by a strict military regime. Documents in this collection are from the U.S. Department of State, Division of Far Eastern Affairs, and the U.S. Department of Commerce, from the U.S. National Archives.
  • State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research Reports: Korea, 1941-1961 : This series consists of reports, studies, and surveys on various topics of interest to the Department of State, varying from short memorandums to detailed, documented studies. The topics range from individual commodities or countries to the economic and political characteristics of whole regions, all prepared during 1941-1961 on Korea.
  • Japan and Korea: Summation of Nonmilitary Activities, 1945-1948 : The rebuilding of postwar Japan and southern Korea by Allied occupation forces is described here in a series of thirty-six monthly reports which offer detailed information on industrial reparations; conversion of production from military to consumer goods; land reform; restructuring of educational, public health, and welfare programs; and the establishment of a liberal, democratic political system. (This resource was also featured in a previous post about Japan.)
  • U.S. Army Center of Military History Historical Manuscripts Collection: The Korean War : U.S. participation in the war, plus U.S. relations with Korea immediately before and after, is documented in this unique collection of never-before published documents produced by the Military History Section of the Far East Command. Hundreds of documents created on the scene or shortly thereafter are included, such as after-action interviews and reports, orders, narratives, analyses, charts, maps, and photographs from 1950 through 1952.


Middlebury has added access to new resources that complement its existing access to Policing the Shanghai International Settlement, 1894-1945.

  • Shanghai International Settlement: The Shanghai Municipal Council (SMC) was founded in July 1854 by a group of Western businessmen to govern the daily operation and infrastructure of the Shanghai International Settlement. By the mid-1880s, the Council had become a practical monopoly over the city’s businesses. The SMC was dissolved on December 17, 1943.
    • Minutes Of The Shanghai Municipal Council, 1854-1943 : This collection replicates all the minutes of meetings held by the Board of Directors of the Shanghai Municipal Council from July 1854 to December 1943. A wide range of topics were discussed at these board meetings, such as sanitation, transportation, telecommunication and postal service, taxation, urban planning, gas supply, street lighting, rickshaw operator management, animal protection, and police system.
    • Shanghai Municipal Council Reports, Minutes of Ratepayers Meetings, and Shanghai Volunteer Corps : This collection consists of the SMC annual reports and budgets compiled between 1867 and 1941; reports and documents produced by SMC departments such as fire control, police, public works, and public health; minutes of Shanghai land renters and ratepayers meetings held from 1868 to 1893; and two illustrated pamphlets on the SVC history, personnel, and events.
    • Urban Planning and Development : This collection comprises a wealth of documents relating to land use and development in Shanghai International Settlement, including land assessment schedules (1869–1933), land lists (1871–1937), land regulations and byelaws (1845–1930), as well as a number of documents recording the rules and reports on the running and management of various public works entities in Shanghai. The Land Regulations also functioned as a mini constitution for the formation and administration of the Shanghai Municipal Council (SMC).
    • Shanghai Municipal Council: The Municipal Gazette, 1908-1940 : As the official organ of the Shanghai Municipal Council, The Municipal Gazette was established in 1908 and ceased publication in 1942. The Municipal Gazette provides a unique window into the workings of the Shanghai International Settlement during the period of revolution, the Republic, internationalization of Shanghai, national uprising, and world war.
  • Papers of Old Shanghai
    • Press, Education, Healthcare, and Charity : Shanghai is arguably the cradle of modern China in terms of press and publishing, school and college education, as well as public health and charity organizations and systems. In this collection are included two early books on the history of the Chinese Press in Shanghai, a directory of the newspapers and periodicals published in the city, as well as a pamphlet relating to the staff provident fund of North China Daily News & Herald Ltd., publisher of the most famous English newspaper family with the longest run in China. This collection spans 1863-1948.
    • Business, Banking, and Insurance : The rise of modern Shanghai after the suppression of the Taiping Rebellion in the late 1860s rested on several pillars: external trade, commerce, and banking. Firms, companies, and other entities (both Chinese- and foreign-owned) that had been active in these sectors in Shanghai had produced a vast variety of documents, pamphlets, and books. In this collection are publications from 1890 to 1942.
    • Societies and Clubs : Following two decades of settlement and adaptation since the opening of Shanghai as a treaty port in 1842, Western residents in the foreign settlements started a socializing process in which various clubs centered around nationalities were established. The British took the lead in setting up the Shanghai Club in 1864, followed by the Germans and the French. The American Club came about much later in 1917. This collection provides a repertoire of rich and unique material relating to the social landscape of Shanghai and the International Settlement from 1890-1942.
    • Miscellanies : This is a collection of miscellaneous publications covering various aspects of old Shanghai, ranging from literature and art, wars and conflicts, and scientific investigations and applications to local history and language, laws and regulations, and festive celebrations. Consisting of reports, yearbooks, handbooks, membership lists and rules, meeting minutes, correspondence, and other publications produced by these clubs and social organizations, this collection provides a repertoire of rich and unique material relating to the social landscape of Shanghai and the International Settlement from 1890 to 1942.
    • Social Shanghai: A Magazine for Men and Women : Social Shanghai was a magazine founded by Mina Shorrock in Shanghai in early 1906. It began as a monthly publication for “ladies” and expanded over time to cover all aspects of social life in Shanghai and other Chinese treaty ports, including fashions, sports and recreation, weddings, gardening, home furnishings, school education, infrastructure, travels, municipal council departments, shows and exhibitions, literature, book reviews, music, and personal sketches.


  • European Colonialism In Early 20Th Century: Colonialism And Nationalism In Dutch East Indies 1910-30 : The Dutch East Indies experienced the replacement of company rule by Dutch government rule and the complete transformation of Java into a colonial society and the successful extension of colonial rule to Sumatra and the eastern archipelago during the early 20th century. The boundaries of the modern state of Indonesia were defined during this time and the process of generally exploitative political, military, and economic integration began. This collection comprises correspondence, studies and reports, cables, maps, and other kinds of documents related to U.S. consular activities. U.S. Consulates were listening posts reporting on the activities of the Dutch colonial government and the activities of the native peoples.
  • Sukarno and the Army-PKI Rivalry in the Years of Living Dangerously, 1960-1963 : The records in this collection cover the internal and foreign policies, personalities, and events in a pivotal period of Indonesian history. The charismatic leader of Indonesia, Achmed Sukarno, steered his country between the political machinations of the Army Staff and the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI). These records consist of essential memoranda, correspondence, telegrams, memoranda of conversations, reports, and news articles and cover all aspects of U.S. relations with Indonesia, Indonesian internal affairs, and Indonesia’s relations with its neighbors.

Media Contact

Arabella is the Electronic Resources Manager and Library Systems Specialist.