Davis Family Library: 9am - 5pm
Armstrong Science Library: 10am - 5pm

screenshot of two women on virtual chat
Student Thandwa Mdluli, Class of 2020, has a virtual chat through Zoom with Literatures & Cultures Librarian Katrina Spencer.

1. Get in touch.

Feeling uncertain about how to navigate your library needs? Use go.middlebury.edu/askus to find a variety of ways to connect with librarians. Our team of librarians receives your questions when you send them to researchdesk@middlebury.edu. Did you know that you can text us, too, at (802) 546-0054? Or chat over instant messenger during business hours in real time? Try all of them out, even just to say hi. We’ll respond as soon as we can.

2. Reconnect with your librarian by scheduling an appointment.

If you’re not sure who your librarian is, just visit go.middlebury.edu/liaisons and search by subject. If you have a question about research, how to access a database, or other information needs, Middlebury librarians are here to help. We are also accepting video chat appointments via Zoom.

3. Poke around in our frequently asked questions (FAQs) database.

At go.middlebury.edu/faqs, you can find common questions like how to find newspapers, how to get alumni access to resources, and how to use journals and databases from off campus

4. Use your go links.

Remember that all go links remain accessible by using the prefix go.middlebury.edu/… If you used go/librarysearch/ on campus, you can now use go.middlebury.edu/librarysearch.

pamphlet with audiobook instructions
Use these instructions to connect to hundreds of Middlebury’s audiobooks and ebooks.


5. Access audiobooks and ebooks.

Together, Overdrive and the Green Mountain Library Consortium (GMLC) offer access to thousands of ebooks and audiobooks that you can access from anywhere in the world. Browse Middlebury’s collection of hundreds of titles at go.middlebury.edu/overdrive and/or use your Vermont public library card to access the GMLC. Find out more at go.middlebury.edu/ebookguide and find recommended titles at go.middlebury.edu/thelibrarianisin. Also see this story from the Middlebury Campus, “What is Overdrive?

6. Stream films through Kanopy.

Think of Kanopy as the library’s Netflix. By logging in at go.middlebury.edu/kanopy, you can access high quality films— cinematic, documentary and otherwise—from all over the world, in foreign languages, with subtitles, and more.

screenshot of ill screen
Katrina and Thandwa explore Interlibrary Loan together.

7. Make an interlibrary loan (ILL) request.

Log into go.middlebury.edu/illiad and select “New Request” from the top of the page to make a request through our interlibrary loan service. You can renew interlibrary loans you already have checked out by logging in, clicking “Actions” to the right of your borrowed titles and selecting “Renew.” Email mdyill@middlebury.edu  with questions.

8. Find the best research guide for you.

Overwhelmed by the research you need to carry out in the next few weeks?  Want to brush up on a topic you explored in a biology class you took a little while ago? (or literature, or history…) Librarians have curated research guides at go.middlebury.edu/guides to help you navigate your research by discipline. Using the guides, you’ll find starting points for finding books, articles and more.

9. Explore the history of Middlebury College.

Our Vimeo channel features over a century of archival films depicting College life past and present. Explore Middlebury Special Collections at Archive.org for over 10,000 photographs, maps, postcards, manuscripts, Kaleidoscope yearbooks dating back to 1874, student newspapers, and more.

10. Get organized with Zotero.

If you’re trying to keep all your cited resources in one place, check out the library’s recommended citation tool, Zotero. Run through a self-guided tour at go.middlebury.edu/zotero.

11. Contact the Help Desk for technology needs.

For those of you on or near campus who may need access to certain types of technology, be in contact with the Help Desk. Students can use the digital form found here to make specific requests. And if you’d like to use Zoom with the Help Desk for virtual chatting, use this link: go.middlebury.edu/zoom2helpdesk.

12. Look beyond Middlebury.

The library has published an in-depth response to the global pandemic found here that is being updated regularly. Know that you are not limited to Middlebury resources. Did you notice that 

And finally, a crowd-sourced list of open-access academic publications is documented here.