Safety Information

Clery Information

  • Crime and Fire Logs
  • Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
  • Campus Security Authorities - 
    • A member of the Public Safety department.
    • Responsible for campus security, but not a campus Public Safety officer.
    • Designated by the institution to receive a crime report.
    • Someone with significant responsibility for student and campus activates.
  • Campus Security Authority Training
  • Campus Security Authority Incident Report Form - The survey will take approximately 4 minutes to complete. All Emergencies Dial: 911 The CSA Report form is intended to provide CSAs with a method of reporting Clery crimes to the Department of Public Safety for inclusion in the College annual compilation of Clery statistics. The CSA Report is NOT a method of notifying police of an emergency, dangerous situation or other hazard.  The submission of the CSA Report will NOT prompt a police investigation or generate an official police report or case number.  In the event of an emergency call 9-1-1.  If you need police to respond to take a routine report call 802-388-3191. If you need Public Safety to respond to take a routine report call 802-443-5133. Public Safety personnel evaluate each CSA Report to determine if the incident reported requires the publication of a Timely Warning Notice or Emergency Notification to the campus community. The intent of a Timely Warning Notice or Emergency Notification is to enable members of the campus community to protect themselves and aid in the prevention of similar crimes. It is critical that pertinent information is provided as soon as it is available. Please provide as much information as possible on the CSA Report.  However, the inclusion of personally identifiable information (complainant’s name, suspect’s name, etc.) is not required, but the inclusion of such information, if known, may assist the College in providing services and eliminating the possibility of double-counting incidents.
  • Missing Persons
  • Clery Trip Form - Pursuant to the Clery Act, Middlebury College is required to disclose on an annual basis certain reported crime statistics that occur during College sponsored / arranged domestic and international student trips. Community members who are administratively responsible for domestic and international student trips are expected to report student trip information to the Middlebury College Department of Public Safety.


Prevention Information