This Advanced Placement Policy applies to students matriculating in September 2024 and February 2025. Upper class students should reach out to the Registrar’s Office for information.

Subject/Exam AP Score Credit Equivalent Courses* Additional Information
Biology 5 1 unit N/A Advanced placement credit does not exempt a student from any of the published requirements for the Biology major, minor, or joint majors.
Chemistry 4 or 5 1 unit CHEM 0103 Placement in CHEM 0104 or 0107 recommended.
Chinese 4 or 5 1 unit N/A CHNS 0301 or higher must be the first Chinese course taken at Middlebury. Must complete CHNS 301 or higher with a B or better to receive credit.
Computer Science A 4 or 5 1 unit CSCI 0145  
Economics-Macro 4 1 unit ECON 0150 Must complete ECON 0250 with B- or better to receive credit.
  5 1 unit ECON 0150  
Economics-Micro 4 1 unit ECON 0155 Must complete ECON 0255 with B- or better to receive credit.
  5 1 unit ECON 0155  
English (language or literature) 4 or 5 1 unit N/A Only one English exam will receive credit; this cannot be used toward the English major.
French (language or literature) 4 or 5 1 unit N/A Must complete FREN 0209 or above with a B- or better to receive credit. FREN 0209 or above must be the first French course taken. Only one French exam will receive credit.
Geography (Human Geography) 5 1 unit N/A The AP score of a 5 substitutes as a 200 level elective course for students who declare as geography majors.
German 4 or 5 1 unit N/A Must take the departmental placement test, place into a 300+ course and complete that class with at least a B to receive credit.
History - European 4 or 5 1 unit HIST 103 or 104 Up to two AP history credits can count toward the major but cannot be used to fulfill any specific requirements. 
History - U.S. 4 or 5 1 unit HIST 203 or 204 Up to two AP history credits can count toward the major but cannot be used to fulfill any specific requirements. 
History - World 4 or 5 1 unit N/A Up to two AP history credits can count toward the major but cannot be used to fulfill any specific requirements. 
History of Art 4 or 5 1 unit HARC 0100  
Italian 4 or 5 1 unit N/A Must complete Italian course at 0300-level to receive credit.
Latin 4 or 5 1 unit N/A Must complete Latin course (LATN 0201 level or above) with grade of B or better to receive credit towards graduation (not the major). Note: No more than one course credit will be granted, whether the student presents one or two AP exams.
Mathematics - Calculus AB 4 or 5 1 unit MATH 0121  
Mathematics - Calculus BC 4 or 5 2 units MATH 0121 and MATH 0122  
Mathematics - Calculus BC 3 or AB sub-score of 4 or 5 1 unit MATH 0121  
Music Theory 4 or 5 1 unit MUSC 0160 Must complete the music department’s advanced placement exam with a C or better to receive credit.
Physics C (Mechanics) 4 or 5 1 unit N/A AP credit does not count toward any major requirements, but generally leads to placement in PHYS 0109 rather than PHYS 0108.
Political Science: Gov’t & Politics US 4 or 5 1 unit N/A This exam cannot be used toward the Political Science or International Politics & Economics majors or minors.
Political Science: Gov’t & Politics Comparative 4 or 5 1 unit N/A This exam cannot be used toward the Political Science or International Politics & Economics majors or minors.
Psychology 4 or 5 1 unit PSYC 0105  
Spanish (language or literature) 4 or 5 1 unit N/A Must complete Spanish course at the 0300 level or above to receive credit. Only one Spanish exam will receive credit.
Statistics 4 1 unit ECON 0111 Must complete ECON 0211 with B- or better to receive credit.
  5 1 unit ECON 0111  

*Students who choose to take a course equivalent to the AP exam noted on the Policy will forfeit the related AP credit.

Advanced placement credits may be used to anticipate course work at Middlebury. AP credits applied toward graduation will be counted toward the 16-course limit in the department granting the credit unless the department specifically states that the credits do not count toward the major. AP credits do not fulfill distribution requirements. Only two pre-college testing credits may count towards the 36 credits required for graduation. Official AP Score Reports must be reported to Middlebury no later than the end of the student’s second semester.